Underpaid Maid Day

April 1, 2008 at 01:21 pm Leave a comment

Don’t you just love that expression!? I came across it in an article this morning and knew immediately that described my day yesterday.

Yes, yesterday was one of those days! 

I woke up and just felt ill with the world. I don’t know about you ladies, but that happens to me about 2 days out of the month. Of course, when I am like that the kids are also in foul spirits and you all know that is a recipe for disaster. So, yesterday was not a good day. I will spare you all the details. 🙂

But this morning I am reflecting on what a bad day it was and what I can do to make today better seeing as I still am not in the best of moods. I often tell my children “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”. Today I will try and follow my own advice.

The article I was reading on feeling like an “underpaid maid” was stating that we all need encouragement that we’re doing the right thing by being a SAHM and for some of us, homeschooling. And if you think about it we are encouraged every day by the unconditional love of our children and our husbands.

You know, as unlovable as I was yesterday, the children did kind deeds for me all through the day. Nathan held the baby without asking so I could eat my supper in peace. Kaitlyn left me a note on my pillow saying she loved me, the twins are always full of hugs and kisses for mom and I am always the baby’s favorite person 🙂 My dear husband snuggled with me as we slept…and this morning is a new day.

This article went on to say that even when our partner is not there to encourage us we still need a reminder, a “pick me up.” The author suggests that we create an “I’m Special Box” and fill it with birthday cards, thank you notes, cards and pictures made by our children. You could also include a smell good candle, family photographs, special candy treats and a favorite book. Bundle everything together, then when you feel out of sorts and unapprciated pull it all out, light your candle and sift through them all and you just might be able to continue on through your day with purpose and perhaps have a better day.

I know I wish I had had a “I’m Special Box” yesterday. Maybe I will have assembled mine before my next “Underpaid Maid Day.”

🙂 God bless!

Entry filed under: family, Homeschool, Whatever.

Happy Birthday to ME! Great afternoon project

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Hebrews 13:8

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